The AVR8 platform cover the Atmega microcontrollers from Atmel. They are 8-bit systems. Amforth emulates a 16-bit forth on them.

Bootloader Support

Most AVR8 bootloaders will not work with amforth since they do not provide an application programming interface to rewrite a single flash cell. The default setup will thus replace any bootloader found with some core routines.

It is possible to change the word !i to use an API and work with existing bootloaders. !i is a deferred word that can be re-targeted to more advanced words that may do address range checks, write success checks or simply turn on/off LEDs to visualize the flash programming.


Amforth uses the self programming feature of the ATmega micro controllers to work with the dictionary. It is ok to use the factory default settings plus the changes for the oscillator settings. It is recommended to use a higher CPU frequency to meet the timing requirements of the serial terminal.

Fuses are the main cause for problems with the flash write operations. If the !i operation fails, make sure that the code for it is within the boot loader section. It is recommended to make the bootloader section as large as the NRWW section, otherwise the basic machine instruction spm may fail silently and the controller becomes unresponsive.

CPU – Forth VM Mapping

The Forth VM has a few registers that need to be mapped to the microcontroller registers. The mapping has been extended over time and may cover all available registers. The actual coverage depends on the amount of additional packages. The default settings are shown in the table Register Mapping.

Register Mapping

Forth Register ATmega Register(s)
W: Working Register R22:R23
IP: Instruction Pointer XH:XL (R27:R26)
RSP: Return Stack Pointer SPH:SPL
PSP: Parameter Stack Pointer YH:YL (R29:R28)
UP: User Pointer R4:R5
TOS: Top Of Stack R24:R25
X: temporary register ZH:ZL (R31:R30)

Extended Forth VM Register Mapping

Forth Register ATmega Register(s)
A: Index and Scratch Register R6:R7
B: Index and Scratch Register R8:R9

In addition the register pair R0:R1 is used internally e.g. to hold the the result of multiply operations. The register pair R2:R3 is used as the zero value in many words. These registers must never be changed.

The registers from R10 to R13 are currently unused, but may be used for the VM extended registers X and Y sometimes. The registers R14 to R21 are used as temporary registers and can be used freely within one module as temp0 to temp7.

The forth core uses the T Flag in the machine status register SREG for signalling an interrupt. Any other code must not change that bit.


Data Stack

The data stack uses the CPU register pair YH:YL as its data pointer. The Top-Of-Stack element (TOS) is in a register pair. Compared to a straight forward implementation this approach saves code space and gives higher execution speed (approx 10-20%). Saving even more stack elements does not really provide a greater benefit (much more code and only little speed enhancements).

The data stack starts at a configurable distance below the return stack (RAMEND) and grows downward.

Return Stack

The Return Stack is the hardware stack of the controller. It is managed with push/pop assembler instructions. The default return stack starts at RAMEND and grows downward.


Amforth routes the low level interrupts into the forth inner interpreter. The inner interpreter switches the execution to a predefined word if an interrupt occurs. When that word finishes execution, the interrupted word is continued. The interrupt handlers are completely normal forth colon words without any stack effect. They do not get interrupted themselves.

The processing of interrupts takes place in two steps: The first one is the low level part. It is called whenever an interrupt occurs. The code is the same for all interrupts. It takes the number of the interrupt from its vector address and stores this in a CPU register. Then returns with RET.

The second step does the inner interpreter. It checks whether the CPU register dedicated for interrupt handling has a non-NULL content. If so it switches to interrupt handling at forth level. This approach has a penalty of 2 CPU cycles for checking and skipping the branch instruction to the isr forth code if no interrupt occurred.

If an interrupt is detected, the forth VM clears the register and continues with the word ISR-EXEC. This word reads the currently active interrupt number and calls the associated execution token. When this word is finished, the word ISR-END is called. This word clears the interrupt flag for the controller (RETI).

This interrupt processing has two advantages: There are no lost interrupts (the controller itself disables interrupts within interrupts and re-transmits newly discovered interrupts afterwards) and it is possible to use standard forth words to deal with any kind of interrupts.

Interrupts from some hardware sources (e.g. the usart) need to be cleared from the Interrupt Service Routine. If this is not done within the ISR, the interrupt is re-triggered immediately after the ISR returned control.

The downside is a relatively long latency since the the forth VM has to be synchronized with the interrupt handling code in order to use normal colon words as ISR. This penalty is usually small since only words in assembly can cause the delay, most notably the word 1ms.

digraph InnerInterpreter {
"COLD" -> "Execute Word"
"Execute Word" -> "ISR Register Empty?";
"ISR Register Empty?" -> "Clear ISR Register" [label="Yes"];
"ISR Register Empty?" -> "Get Next XT" [label="No"];
"Get Next XT" -> "Execute Word";
"Clear ISR Register" -> "Next XT is ISR_EXEC";
"Next XT is ISR_EXEC" -> "Execute Word";

Dictionary Management

The dictionary can be seen from several points of view. One is the split into two memory regions: NRWW and RWW flash. This is the hardware view. NRWW flash cannot be read during a flash write operation, NRWW means Non-Read-While-Write. This makes it impossible to change there anything at runtime. On the other hand is this the place, where code resides that can change the RWW (Read-While-Write) part of the flash. For AmForth, the command !i does this work: It changes a single flash cell in the RWW section of the flash. This command hides all actions that are necessary to achieve this.

The NRWW section is usually large enough to hold the interpreter core and most (if not all) words coded in assembly (not to be confused with the words that are hand-assembled into a execution token list) too. Having all of them within a rather small memory region makes it possible to use the short-ranged and fast relative jumps instead of slower full-range jumps necessary for RWW entries.

Another point of view to the dictionary is the memory allocation. The key for it is the dictionary pointer dp. It is a EEPROM based VALUE that stores the address of the first unused flash cell. With this pointer it is easy to allocate or free flash space at the end of the allocated area. It is not possible to maintain “holes” in the address range. To append a single number to the dictionary, the command , is used. It writes the data and increases the DP pointer accordingly:

\ ( n -- )
: , dp !i dp 1+ to dp ;

To free a flash region, the DP pointer can be set to any value, but a lot of care has to be taken, that all other system data is still consistent with it.

The next view point to the dictionary are the wordlists. A wordlist is a single linked, searchable list of entries. All wordlists create the forth dictionary. A wordlist is identified by its wid, an EEPROM address, that contains the address of the first entry. The entries themselves contain a pointer to the next entry or ZERO to indicate End-Of-List. When a new entry is added to a list it will be the first one of this wordlist afterwards.

A new wordlist is easily created: Simply reserve an EEPROM cell and initialize its content with 0:

: wordlist ( -- wid )
    ehere 0 over !e
    dup cell+ to ehere ;

This wid is used to create new entries. The basic procedure to do it is create:

: create ( "name" -- )
  (create) reveal
  postpone (constant) ;

(create) parses the current source to get a space delimited string. The next step is to determine, into which wordlists the new entry will be placed and finally, the new entry is created, but it is still invisible:

: (create) ( -- )
    parse-name wlscope
    dup newest cell+ ! \ keep the wid
    header newest !    \ keep the nt

The header command starts a new dictionary entry. The first action is to copy the string from RAM to the flash. The second task is to create the link for the wordlist management

: header ( addr len wid -- NT )
 dp >r
 \ copy the string from RAM to flash
 r> @e ,
 \ minor housekeeping

smudge is the address of a 4 byte RAM location, that buffers the access information. Why not not all words are immediately visible is something, that the forth standard requires. The command reveal un-hides the new entry by adjusting the content of the wordlist identifier to the address of the new entry:

: reveal ( -- )
   newest cell+ @ ?dup if \ check if valid data
   newest  @ swap !e      \ update the head of wordlist
   0 newest cell+ !       \ invalidate
   then ;

The command wlscope can be used to change the wordlist that gets the new entry. It is a deferred word that defaults to get-current.

The last command postpone (constant) writes the runtime action, the execution token (XT) into the newly created word. The XT is the address of executable machine code that the forth inner interpreter calls (see Inner Interpreter). The machine code for (constant) puts the address of the flash cell that follows the XT on the data stack.

Word Lists and Environment Queries

Word lists and environment queries are implemented using the same structure. The word list identifier is a EEPROM address that holds the name field address of the first word in the word list.

Environment queries are normal colon words. They are called within environment? and leave there results at the data stack.

find-name (und find for counted strings) uses an array of word list identifiers to search for the word. This list can be accessed with get-order as well.

Wordlist Header

Wordlists are implemented as a single linked list. The list entry consists of 4 elements:

  • Name Field (NF) (variable length, at least 2 flash cells).
  • Link Field (LF) (1 flash cell), points to the NFA of the next element.
  • Execution Token (XT) (1 flash cell)
  • Parameter Field (Body) (variable length)

The wording is some mixture of old style fig-forth and the more modern variants. The order makes it possible to implement the list iterators (search-wordlist and show-wordlist) is a straight forward way.

The name field itself is a structure containing the flags, the length information in the first flash cell and the characters of the word name in a packed format afterwards.

The anchor of any wordlist points to the name field address of the first element. The last element has a zero link field content. The lists are created from lower addresses to higher ones, the links go from higher addresses backwards to lower ones.



The flash memory is divided into 4 sections. The first section, starting at address 0, contains the interrupt vector table for the low level interrupt handling and a character string with the name of the controller in plain text.

The 2nd section contains the low level interrupt handling routines. The interrupt handler is very closely tied to the inner interpreter. It is located near the first section to use the faster relative jump instructions.

The 3rd section is the first part of the dictionary. Nearly all colon words are located here. New words are appended to this section. This section is filled with FFFF cells when flashing the controller initially. The current write pointer is the DP pointer.

The last section is identical to the boot loader section of the ATmegas. It is also known as the NRWW area. Here is the heart of amforth: The inner interpreter and most of the words coded in assembly language.

FLASH Structure Overview


Default Flash Structure

The reason for this split is a technical one: to work with a dictionary in flash the controller needs to write to the flash. The ATmega architecture provides a mechanism called self-programming by using a special instruction and a rather complex algorithm. This instruction only works in the boot loader/NRWW section. amforth uses this instruction in the word I!. Due to the fact that the self programming is a lot more then only a simple instruction, amforth needs most of the forth core system to achieve it. A side effect is that amforth cannot co-exist with classic boot loaders. If a particular boot loader provides an API to enable applications to call the flash write operation, amforth can be restructured to use it. Currently only very few and seldom used boot loaders exist that enable this feature.

Atmegas can have more than 64 KB Flash. This requires more than a 16 bit address, which is more than the cell size. For one type of those bigger atmegas there will be an solution with 16 bit cell size: Atmega128 Controllers. They can use the whole address range with an interpretation trick: The flash addresses are in fact not byte addresses but word addresses. Since amforth does not deal with bytes but cells it is possible to use the whole address range with a 16 bit cell. The Atmegas with 128 KBytes Flash operate slightly slower since the address interpretation needs more code to access the flash (both read and write). The source code uses assembly macros to hide the differences.

An alternative approach to place the elements in the flash shows picture . Here all code goes into the RWW section. This layout definitely needs a routine in the NRWW section that provides a cell level flash write functionality. The usual boot loaders do not have such an runtime accessible API, only the DFU boot loader from atmel found on some USB enabled controllers does.

Alternative FLASH Structure


Alternative Flash Structure

The unused flash area beyond 0x1FFFF is not directly accessible for amforth. It could be used as a block device.

Flash Write

The word performing the actual flash write operation is I! (i-store). This word takes the value and the address of a single cell to be written to flash from the data stack. The address is a word address, not a byte address!

The flash write strategy follows Atmel’s appnotes. The first step is turning off all interrupts. Then the affected flash page is read into the flash page buffer. While doing the copying a check is performed whether a flash erase cycle is needed. The flash erase can be avoided if no bit is turned from 0 to 1. Only if a bit is switched from 0 to 1 must a flash page erase operation be done. In the fourth step the new flash data is written and the flash is set back to normal operation and the interrupt flag is restored. The whole process takes a few milliseconds.

This write strategy ensures that the flash has minimal flash erase cycles while extending the dictionary. In addition it keeps the forth system simple since it does not need to deal with page sizes or RAM based buffers for dictionary operations.


The built-in EEPROM contains vital dictionary pointer and other persistent data. They need only a few EEPROM cells. The remaining space is available for user programs. The easiest way to use the EEPROM is a VALUE. There intended design pattern (read often, write seldom) is like that for the typical EEPROM usage. More information about values can be found in the recipe Values.

Another use for EEPROM cells is to hold execution tokens. The default system uses this for the turnkey vector. This is an EEPROM variable that reads and executes the XT at runtime. It is based on the DEFER/IS standard. To define a deferred word in the EEPROM use the Edefer definition word. The standard word IS is used to put a new XT into it.

Low level space management is done through the the EHERE variable. This is not a forth value but a EEPROM based variable. To read the current value an @e operation must be used, changes are written back with !e. It contains the highest EEPROM address currently allocated. The name is based on the DP variable, which points to the highest dictionary address.


The RAM address space is divided into three sections: the first 32 addresses are the CPU registers. Above come the IO registers and extended IO registers and finally the RAM itself.

amforth needs very little RAM space for its internal data structures. The biggest part are the buffers for the terminal IO. In general RAM is managed with the words VARIABLE and ALLOT.

Forth defines a few transient buffer regions for various purposes. The most important is PAD, the scratch buffer. It is located 100 bytes above the current HERE and goes to upper addresses. The Pictured Numeric Output is just at PAD and grows downward. The word WORD uses the area above HERE as it’s buffer to store the just recognized word from SOURCE.


Ram Structure

Ram Structure shows an RAM layout that can be used on systems without external RAM. All elements are located within the internal memory pool.


Alternative RAM Structure

Another layout, that makes the external RAM easily available is shown in Alternative RAM Structure. Here are the stacks at the beginning of the internal RAM and the data space region. All other buffers grow directly into the external data space. From an application point of view there is not difference but a speed penalty when working with external RAM instead of internal.

With amforth all three sections can be accessed using their RAM addresses. That makes it quite easy to work with words like C@. The word ! implements a LSB byte order: The lower part of the cell is stored at the lower address.

For the RAM there is the word Rdefer which defines a deferred word, placed in RAM. As a special case there is the word Udefer , which sets up a deferred word in the user area. To put an XT into them the word IS is used. This word is smart enough to distinguish between the various Xdefer definitions.